Saturday, July 12, 2014


Many companies started shifting their accounting method of valuating inventory from Retail method to Cost accounting. Cost accounting is better way to track inventory and also results in accurate financial reporting. 

Retail Method of Accounting:
A recent study indicated that even now 50% of the retails use this old retail method of accounting. The retail method of accounting (or retail method), according to Investopedia, is “an accounting procedure for estimating the value of a store’s merchandise. It calculates a store’s total inventory value by taking the total retail value of the items that were originally in inventory, subtracting the total sales, [and] then multiplying that dollar amount by the cost-to-retail ratio (the percentage by which goods are marked up from their wholesale purchase price to their retail sales price).”

Loop holes in this valuation method:
 Retail leadership used to give targets to store manager’s in terms of selling inventory. Target for a sales manager can be $1000, 000.00 ($1 Million)

If the store manager gets an inventory worth $1million and unable to sell this, the prices can be marked down and be sold for $70,000. Manager can procure $30,000 worth of fast selling inventory and can complete the target by end of the period.

Unable to identify cash cow in business to make right business decisions: 
With this margin calculations, business cannot identify the exact product that is giving profit and ones creating loss as they are getting mixed up in one umbrella.

Cost Method of Accounting:
Inventory valuation in cost accounting is based is difference between sales and cost of goods sold including other adjustments. Cost of goods sold is calculated as part of moving average price calculation. Also called weighted average cost. This is calculated at every unit level at store. Every item sold is defined as a SKU and the cost of SKU keeps changing based on change in procuring cost.

Weighted Average Cost = Total Inventory Value / Balance on hand


Moving to Cost method requires a major change in the mindset of the planner who is used to planning using Retail Method. The change is even more difficult for fashion because it is seasonal based and generally has fixed cycles of Full-price sales, promotions and markdowns. Hence, the planner is accustomed to think in the same fashion – markdowns, which reduce inventory, increasing OTB thus giving way to flow of new merchandise.


Here is a list of some of the reasons why Cost Accounting is attractive to retailers.

1. Want item level visibility 2. Planning and management of gross margin and sell-thru become key
3. No longer requires planning and management of markdown budgets 4. Only selling creates open-to-buy, not markdowns 5. Fewer data points to manage, i.e. less KPIs to plan
6. Inventory values are based upon what you actually paid for the item 7. Accuracy
          1.      Cost value of inventory is independent of retail price changes           2.      Inventory values are based upon what you actually paid for the item           3.      Gross Margin: Cost Accounting -> at Item level, and in retail method of accounting -> blended at category 8. Does not require on hand counts when a retail price is changed