Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Headlines of an Indian Economics News Paper 10 years down the line

1) IMF Dollar: the new universal reserve currency, output of Washington conference.

2) India, Now the largest English Speaking nation in the world.

3) One house for one family: A move to regulate rising real estate prices.

4) UID used to check the credit record of a person: CIBIL. Banks all set to fight with their NPAs

5) Plastic currency is not immune to fraudulent activities. Fake currency rampant to derail the stability.

6) Silver shines better than Gold.

7) Countries in Fiscal consolidation: Heavy Taxes in USA jeopardizing the growth.

8) Food Security in the country is still a dream. Rising population, major hurdle.

9) Disintegrating India- more demand for new states. Need new integration factor something like Vandemataram during Bengal division 1905

10) India has more English speaking people than US. US news papers to enter Indian markets or vice versa.

11) India’s new social security bills-- complete food security, employment guarantee act, more reservation for women.

12) Next green revolution: Though food production has increased, malnutrition problem continues

13) India has most advanced in nuclear, defense and space technologies. Security is still a problem?

14) Indian metros under serious terror threat in spite of increased surveillance.

1 comment:

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